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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Data Critique

Okay So another Homework assignment... I promise I'll post something interesting in the morning...
Anyway this week I had to critique a webpage that uses data in some sort of visualized manner.

Here is the link I chose

This site takes all sorts of government data and puts them into all sorts of useful charts. These charts start off with the entire countries data but you can narrow it down to a specific state if need be. Which is a helpful feature. The only downfall I see is that the charts can be a little hard to read because there is so much information in them. If they were a little more people friendly they would be great.

I also don't think this information could be brought to us any better way because data is hard to put in someones lap without a visual. Though it may work as a podcast these things are easier to be shown than to listen to.


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