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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The End of Finals

Okay Survivors great news from the land of Lyndon. My finals have officially been completed and I am now only waiting for the final grades to show up on my transcript. Let me tell you I think this was my most stressful semester yet and believe me I brought it right down to the wire on this one.

I had two presentations, 3 papers, and a portfolio all due this week and so far so good on the grading. Oh, and by the way one of those presentations was my Senior Thesis, which I'm going to brag about. I managed to impress my professor so much that he came right out and said I had a great presentation.. Yup, that happened.

But in all seriousness I want to know where the hell the semester went. I mean I just started my senior year and I'm already halfway through? I mean don;t get me wrong I am totally ready for the month long break but I'm starting to realize just how close graduation is.

I'll go into that freak out later but I just wanted to give you all an update and let you know I'm not going completely insane yet... Just most of the way there, now it's on to Christmas, which my lovely fiance Nick will be there for, and a month of work at Michael's. Oh and seriously if you want to catch up with me while I'm home give me a shout. I don't have too much planned yet.

Talk at you soon and Keep on surviving.



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